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z/OS System Programmers Self Test Answers

MVS System Programmers Self Test Answers

Answers may vary by the policy of your data center


   1. What is the purpose of PTFs?
      Program Temporary Fix. A PTF provides preventive service, corrective service, or enhancements to a function. It generally is of interest to a broad range of data centers/customers.
      A PTF is a group of related APARs. (some vendors may call fixes to their code by another acronym.)

   2. What are the steps to install a product on a MVS system using SMP/E?
      To install a single product is "usually" completed by
      1) Receiving
      2) Apply Check
      3) Apply
      4) Accept check
      5) Accepting the product.
      (Note: Not all products are SMP/E installable.)

   3. What does this parameter usually mean, VOL(******)?
      That the data set is cataloged on the current SYSRES volume. (AKA: indirect cataloging)

   4. What is meant by the term VTAPE?
      Virtual Tape

   5. What is meant by the term DASD?
      Direct Access Storage Device

   6. Where is the parameter, SPOOLDEF, defined in a JES2 data center?
      The IBM default is the HASPPARM

   7. In reference to SMP/E, what is a SYSMOD?
      A SYStem MODification can be a Function, APAR, PTF or USERMOD

   8. What is the HMC used for?
      The Hardware Management Console is used to IPL the system, change the system clock, power-on reset, changing, removing / adding write protect to the IOCDS, displays system activity and more.

   9. What product messages usually start with $HASPnnn?

  10. In what system data set and member are the systems' page data sets listed?
      In parmlib member IEASYSxx

  11. In a JES2 data center, in what member are DASD volser’s defined for spool files?
      The IBM default is the HASPPARM

  12. What is the IBM product, IPCS used for?
      Dump reading

  13. What is meant when you "open" an APAR?
      The software vendor admits there "may" be a problem with their product and they assign an APAR number to track the possible problem. (some vendors may not call this process an APAR)

  14. What is the difference between a "master catalog" and a "user catalog"?
      The master catalog contains data sets that do not have an alias defined and a user catalog contains data sets that are aliased from the master catalog.
      The master catalog is where the system alias' are defined relating to the user catalogs. There can be only one master catalog and many user catalogs on the system.

  15. What is the new term for what IBM used to call "OpenEdtion"?
      USS (Unix System Services)

  16. What did z/OS replace?
      OS/390 & MVS (basically the same operating systems)

  17. What kind of members are most likely in this data set, MIKE.OS39A.ALMKLOAD?
      Load members

  18. What can you tell me about this number string; 9672-R26-12345?
      Machine type = 9672
      Model = R26
      serial# 12345

  19. What does this command do?

      To shut down VTAM

  20. What does the proc CAS9 do?
      Starts Computer Associates' product procs and verifies the product LMP codes.

  21. What products does CICS usually interface with?

  22. What is SYS1.HASPACE used for in a JES2 data center?
      SPOOL space

  23. After converting to OS/390 2.5, the LOGREC data set is filling up much more frequently. Is it possible to stop LOGREC recording and then re-allocate the data set, then start recording?

  24. What is the purpose of VLF?
      Virtual lookaside facility (VLF) is a set of services that can improve the performance and response time of applications that must retrieve a set of data for many users. VLF creates and manages a data space to store an application's most frequently used data. When the application makes a request for data, VLF checks its data space to see if the data is there. If the data is present, VLF can rapidly retrieve it without requesting I/O to DASD

  25. When should you apply system maintenance?
      Normally to fix a problem or perform a system upgrade, depending on your data center procedures. Maintenance should always be applied on a test system before applying it to your production system. IBM sends you RSU tapes on request.

  26. You are looking for a group of data sets that start with SYS5.USER.*

      What ISPF panel would you use?
      =3.4 will take you to the proper panel

  27. People are calling you stating they can not logon to TSO. What are "some" of the things you should look at?
      Logon procs / clists
      passwords expired

  28. Which SREL matches which subsystem?
      Z038 MVS
      C150 CICS
      P115 DB2/IMS
      P004 NCP

  29. What are the 5 basic SMP/E steps to applying a PTF?
      1) Receiving
      2) Apply check
      3) Apply
      4) Accept check
      5) Accepting the PTF
      (Note: Most data centers do not believe in accepting a PTF)

  30. Why is this data set on my system?

      The product, HLASM, has not been "accepted" yet. The SMP/E accept process will remove this data set if the PURGE option is specified in SMP/E options.

  31. What is the purpose of SYSn.IPLPARM data set?
      The LOADxx member, in SYSn.IPLPARM, instead of SYS1.PARMLIB (there are other members allowed in SYSn.IPLPARM)

  32. In a JES2 environment, what program product tools could you use to display the job queue?
      SDSF, IOF, Macro 4's COMMAND, and CA's SYSTEMVIEW (3.8 not a product)

  33. How many digits is a 'device address' composed of?


  34. In what data set(s) is the LOADxx member defined?

  35. In this statement, A1 is the EDT, what does the EDT represent?

      Eligible Device Table, a table of esoteric names for system devices.

  36. Where is the master catalog defined?
      LOAD member of SYSn.IPLPARM or SYS1.PARMLIB, or by the old way; SYSCLTG in SYS1.NUCLEUS

  37. You have installed a product that has updated the LNKLST, How would you dynamicly activate this new library?
      Using the PROG member;
      This change will last only until the next IPL. You must change the PROGxx member to pick up the new library.

  38. How can I tell what IEASYSxx member the system is using?
      Pointed to by the SYSDEF SYSPARM(AA,L) parameter in IEASYMxx
      In this example, IEASYSAA
      (IEASYS00 is the default)

  39. What does this statement mean?

      If your current sysres is MIKE1A, the 2nd sysres will be MIKE1B

  40. Where would you look up the parameter SYMDEF?
      Init & Tuning reference

  41. Where is the APF ADD statement defined?
      PROGxx member – for the APF libraries

  42. What is the purpose of SYSCLONE?
      To use the system name as part of the data set representing the different systems within a SYSPLEX.

  43. At IPL time, if you enter SYSP=01 in the appropriate place What does this mean?
      The system will use the IEASYS01 parmlib member to IPL

  44. Where is this statement defined?
      Parmlib member IEFSSNxx

  45. What does the above statement do?
      Start JES2

  46. Who is Cheryl Watson Walker?
      Cheryl Watson has been using and explaining mainframe operating systems since 1965. Cheryl and Watson & Walker, Inc. offer practical mainframe performance and measurement advice.

  47. What is the SQA used for?
      The SQA (System Queue Area ) is used for I/O configuration and devices that are installed.

  48. In what data set is following statement defined?
      VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*)
      The IFAPRD00 member has been customized by IBM to reflect the IBM products and optional integrated features specifically ordered by you.

  49. What is the difference between CA (Computer Associates) CA-1 and CA-7?
      CA1= tape management program
      CA7= scheduler program

  50. What is the purpose of "LE"?
      A common run-time library environment for all "LE compliant" languages.

  51. What is the difference between SYS1.PARMLIB and SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB?
      The system programmer is meant to change SYS!.PARMLIB and not SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB

  52. What is missing from this statement?


  53. At the system console, what is the command to display the systems machine type and serial number?
      D M=CPU

  54. Where would you look up wait state codes at IPL time?
      System Codes manual

  55. What is the blocksize that IBM has been recommending for LINKLST / LOADLIB data sets ?

  56. From SDSF, LOG, when you enter /D A,L what happens?
      Displays active all

  57. What IDCAMS statement list catalog entries?

  58. What IDCAMS statement catalogs a PDS data set?

  59. What is the purpose of the SYS1.STGINDEX?
      The VIO journaling data set [SYS1.STGINDEX] is an optional VSAM data set that contains auxiliary storage management records for virtual I/O (VIO) data sets to enable them to be saved across IPLs for Checkpoint/Restart. (VIO data sets cannot be preserved if CVIO or CLPA is specified at IPL time.
  60. What does this job step do?
      COMPRESS the data set

  61. What does the LLQ of SISP.ISPMLIB represent?
      A message library

  62. What is the purpose of DDDEFs in SMP/E?
      So you do not have to write the JCL for data sets used by SMP/E

  63. What IBM program can be used to initialize DASD?

  64. What does this job step do?
      //SMPEIN DD *
      LIST FORFMID( HMQ4120 ) .
      List SYSYMODS and ELEMENTS for FMID HMQ4120

  65. Where is the NUCLSTxx located?

  66. In what parmlib member are SVC's defined?

  67. In SYS1.PARMLIB, member IEASYSxx, what function does this parameter preform?

      Short operator commands

  68. Is SYS2.PARMLIB a required data set for IPL'ing a system?

  69. What is the SMPLOGA data set and is it required?
      Logs SMP/E activity, it is required

  70. How many logical parmlib statements in the LOADxx of SYS1.PARMLIB or SYSn.IPLPARM can there be?
      As many as you need

  71. How many logical consoles can be defined?
      99 including the system consoles

  72. During IPL, the system looks for LOADxx member in what order?
      SYS0.IPLPARM through SYS9.IPLPARM on the IODF volume
      SYS1.PARMLIB on the IODF volume
      SYS1.PARMLIB on the sysres volume.

  73. What is the parmlib member CONSOLxx used for?
      In CONSOLxx, you define multiple console support (MCS) consoles and console names

  74. Must you specify a COUPLExx parmlib member for each system in a Sysplex?
      COUPLExx parmlib member is required for each system in the SYSPLEX.

  75. In a multisystem environment, can you have only one SYS1.PARMLIB?
      YES and NO. If you maintain separate master catalogs, there can be more than one. With one master catalog, only one SYS1.PARMLIB can be cataloged at any given time. (With PARMLIB concatenation you can have more than one xxxx.PARMLIB)

  76. What is the LLA used for?
      LNKLST LookAside is used for system pointers

  77. If you have both a PROGxx and LNKLSTxx member in PARMLIB, does the system use both or only one? If one, which one?
      If you specify both PROG=xx for a member with a LNKLST ACTIVATE statement and LNK=xx, the system ignores LNK=xx at IPL and issues message CSV487I

  78. What does parmlib member IEASYMxx define?
      To define system symbolics

  79. In SMP/E, how many "target and dlib" zones can be associated with a global zone?
      Generally speaking, as many as you need.

  80. What is the command to display what spool volumes the system is using in a JES2 data center?

  81. What does the TSO command, ACCOUNT SYNC do?
      Synchronizes SYS1.UADS and SYS1.Broadcast data sets

  82. Can anybody issue the above command?
      No - Requires ACCOUNT authority

  83. What ISPF panel is used to search a data set for a certain string of characters?
      ISPF option 3.14

  84. What does FMID HBB6604 represent?
      Base MVS for OS/390 2.4

  85. Does this user have system special or group special?

  86. What is the command to display a VTAM node called V11RDF?
      D NET,ID=V11RDF

  87. What is the command to display the PROGxx APF data sets.
      D PROG,APF

  88. What is meant by the term VIO?
      Virtual Input/Output

  89. What do the following programs perform?
      IEBCOPY: alter, copy, create, merge, rename, compress, convert, copy & reblock
      IEBGENER: create, expand, print, copy, copy & reblock
      IEBUPDTE: create, modify, change

  90. In DFSMShsm - Low-activity data is stored on migration level 1 (ML1) and migration level 2 (ML2) volumes. What is considered migration level 0 (ML0)?
      SMS managed volumes are NOT defined to DFSMShsm. They are automatically known. As for non-SMS managed DASD, only the ones defined via ADDVOL as PRIMARY volumes are considered ML0.

  91. When applying a PTF using SMP/E, name one SMP/E System Reason ID that you may encounter.
          The SYSMOD has a documentation change that should be read before the SYSMOD is installed.
      They are many, many more....

  92. What is IBMLINK?
      An IBM site for all kinds of info

  93. What do these APAR closing codes mean?

      APAR Codes (from a January, 1985 PSGIM)
      CAN: Cancelled APAR
      DOC: Documentation error
      PER: Programming error
      RET: Returned to the user for more documentation
      SUG: Suggestion
      USE: User error
      FIN: Fixed if next release. [FIN must be new, as it does not appear in the January, 1985 PSGIM.]

  94. PARMLIB member SMFPRMxx has a parameter "JWT (hhmm)" What does it do?
      "JWT (hhmm)" that sets the amount of time a task can remain in a wait state before it times the job (stc, tsu, etc.) out. You can also set it temporarily with the SETSMF operator command: SETSMF JWT(hhmm)

  95. Why do you create an alias catalog entry for users?
      For security reasons and to reduce the amount of catalog activity directed against the master catalog by associating an alias to a "user" catalog.

  96. What does an abend 913 usually indicate?
      In RACF, user unauthorized to access

  97. In what message manual would you look you message IDC3009I?
      System messages, Volume 3

  98. How do you define "dynamic dumping"?

  99. What is Domino Webspere?
      A group of IBM products that make up a web site on the mainframe

  100. When referring to above / below "the line" in a MVS address space, what number is that line?
16MB line


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